Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Are NFL QBs Really Worth Their Paychecks?

      Colin Kaepernick just got 126 million dollars for signing a 6 year contract with the San Francisco 49ers. With this being said the question has to be asked are NFL quarterbacks worth their paychecks? Kaepernick has never won a Superbowl and lost the only Super Bowl he has ever taken the 49ers to ,does he really deserves a hundred twenty six million dollars? Tom Brady the quarterback for the New England Patriots only makes 2 million and has taken the Patriots to 3 victorious Super Bowl wins. Peyton Manning the quarterback for the Denver Broncos formerly known as the quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts only makes 18 million and only has 1 Super Bowl win Under his belt. Aaron Rodgers quarterback for the Green Bay Packers makes $900,000 and one could say he is arguably the best quarterback in the NFL ,but also only has 1 Super Bowl Victory. Russell Wilson quarterback for the newly crowned Super Bowl champions the Seattle Seahawks makes only $526,217.
             What do all of these quarterbacks have in common they've only taken their teams to 3 or less Super Bowls In their career. I do however agree that Football is a very high risk game injury is at it's all time high as the athletes become stronger and well advanced with the technology working its way into the athletes training.
             Football players were once classified as great athletes now they are glorified celebrity's and they definitely have the paychecks to prove it.
                 NFL rookie Johnny Manziel got approximately 10 million dollars for signing with the Cleveland Browns he went round one pick 22 and Manziel hasn't even proven himself ,he could be the next Tim Tebow for all we know there is no guarantee he is the next Joe Montana or Brett Favre. With money like that you should definitely have to prove yourself before being signed to any contract.
               But this is America and that is the greatness of freedom you can make as much as your job will pay hard work means more zeros on that check!

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